Cows grazing on a summer pasture of Buffalo Grass, which is drought tolerant and native to Arizona. 

People are often shocked to hear just how many types of grasses are native to Arizona.  Arizona may be rocky, but it is an extremely biologically diverse state. This can make most areas hard to farm but perfect for livestock. Between 2,000’ to 6,000’ in elevation, we have grasses such as: Bush Muhly, Blue Grama, Sideoats Grama, Rothrock Grama, Small-flowered Fescue, Green, Sprangletop, Bristlegrass, Little Bluestem and Pappusgrass. Then from 5,500’ to 9,000’ we have grasses like Mountain Muhly, Pine Dropseed, Western Wheatgrass, Slender Wheatgrass, Beardless Wheatgrass, Blue Grama, Arizona Fescue, Junegrass, Buffalo grass, and Indian Ricegrass. Though we only named a handful of grasses from two different elevation ranges, you can see that Arizona is rich with grass! Some of these grasses grow in the cool of winter and others exceed in the heat of summer, relying on the monsoons to flourish. Either way, you can count on Arizona’s unique climate to have grass year around. This is why Arizona Grass Raised Beef is simply, the best.